Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A first and one to be framed...

This is THE very FIRST email that has been sent to me from my mother, she is so proud of herself and so she should be....see how it is titled "Second Attempt", I guess the first attempt failed because I never got it. My mom took a computer course couple of years ago but abandoned it after the second class, stating that she would never get it and since my dad was very anal about his computer, he could get quiet freaked out, if something wasn't working the way it should and of course, like every good men, it could be somebody elses fault, knowing fully that computers sometimes do have their own mind and do what they want. So once she used the computer and all the font sizes were messed up, she swore never to touch it again. But over the years we tried to convince her to just try it, she doesn't have to use the internet just know how to email and nothing else. My nephew has been a great teacher for her with computer stuff, and the last two years during his summer break, she gave my mom a "computer course for seniors"( gotta love the imagination of that kid), and apparently she did quite well and passed each year, but it took her until recently to try to figure things out on her own on the PC, well and the endresult was a second attempt of an email, that finally has arrrived in my inbox. In my reply to her, I told her that I would print it out and frame it and asked what colour paper she would like, that is sort of an inside joke in our family: my dad would always print out emails from family member on yellow paper for my mother to read and one day she remarked, that it was really weird that we all used the same yellow paper for all our emails.....DUH! Where is your sign mother? It was too funny. I might print this one out on yellow too, just to get back at her.
Oh dummy me, I replied to her email, even though she said she hasn't figured out how to read emails will mom, just give it time...another two years maybe.....

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