Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Silver Crickets

Tonight I went with my friend back to the McLaughlin House to see the Oldies band "The Silver Crickets". But before we went there we made a little coffee break stop at the Tim Horton's out on the West side of town. OMG, that was something like out of the movie "The living dead", must have travelled through a time machine as we walk in there. We were definitely not in the timezone as the people there. Where did they come from? Well I have heard of this fun experience out there, but the last time I was there it wasn't that prevalent. Well we didn't stay long and were looking forward to see the band. We saw quite a few familiar faces at that establishment and had lots of fun listening to good music. We left at around midnight, since my friend had to get up for 5:30 am and that wouldn't give her much time to get some sleep before heading out to work. Poor You!

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