Friday, January 05, 2007

My gift to me

Well since this was the time of sharing and caring and being kind and giving, I gave myself a little gift too, well actually it's a big gift.... his name is Gorden and he is a dappled grey large Standard donkey with very large ears. He had dwelt for many, many years alone with a horse companion and their life was quiet without any dramatic incidents. Then one day, as happens to all creatures, unexpected change occurred and it had become necessary for their owner to move and she concluded that the DSC was going to be the best place for Gorden. Within days of that decision Gorden was moved to the DSC. Gorden was very anxious, although he was in good physical health, there was a shyness and reluctance that surrounded him like an aura. He was confused by the many new companions in his life and he coped with that by standing alone, preferring to view all the activity from afar. Although he was gentle, his inclination when approached was to move away. As the weeks passed Gorden gradually relaxed and he lives contently at his new home.
Well when I met Gorden, he was in Quarantine having just arrived at the DSC. He stood alone in his stall. I fell in love with him instantly. And as I learnt his story there was so much similarity between us and my heart just went out to him. I must say, even though he was shy he took a liking to me right away too, and he stood there on our first meeting, his head over the gate and let me pet him for a very long time, when he had enough he would retreat further back into the stall but would come back for me within a little while. He has really big ears and beautiful big eyes. And yes he is really gentle even though he is quite the large animal. So it was an easy choice to adopt him this time around. And I am glad I can help with his care for a little while. Welcome to my little donkey family.

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