Saturday, December 09, 2006

My First

Well tonight I had to supervise my first alcoholic event at the centre all by myself. I was kind of looking forward to it, it's a small group, so I was pretty confident that it wasn't going to be that hard to handle. I had to be at work for 1 pm to let the hostess in to start setting up and prepare for the evening. Unfortunately she was late getting here and that kind of eliminated any other free time for the afternoon. I just had enough time to pick up my son from the Hospital, pay $ 125.00 for a cast and come back to work. Cocktails were being served at 6:30 and Dinner started at 7:30. The group was very nice and I had no problems during the night. It feels good to have my first alone event under my belt, but still it's not a thing I prefer to do or will readily volunteer to do. lol. Well at least not until tomorrow night, when we have a huge alchoholic event at the centre with live band and the purpose of raising funds for a sports team. I am sure this will be a totally different scenerio and outcome. We'll have to wait and see.

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