Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Less than a slap on the wrist

This is one thing that makes me shake my head and actually makes me angry. As soon as I found out what the meeting was all about I knew I would be very emotional about it. It's one thing I just have a hard time comprehending or wrap my head around. How can you treat others that way and get away with less than a slap on the wrist as punishment? I just don't get it. As we gathered around the big ole table, the mood was very somber as we knew what was on the agenda. We were joined by somebody I hadn't met yet, but I had heard her name plenty of times, so it was nice to finally get to know her and she was all I ever heard of her. I can not even imagine being in her position, having to do what she does on a daily basis and having such limited resources and such limited support, I know it must be very frustrating and she definitely confirmed that. But nevertheless she has a job to do, and she was happy to inform us that she got a conviction, but of course the punishment doesn't fit the crime and that person got less than a slap on the wrist in my opinion with 12 months probation. Yesterday we heard for the very first time the details about who we call Chaplin. Until the court case was closed we had no details about him, and there was constant worry that there was a chance he had to go back. In 2010, investigation staff at the Guelph Humane Society responded to information regarding the condition of a donkey now know as “Chaplin”. Chaplin had shelter, food and water, the three basic things that an animal needs by the minimum standards. When these basic needs are provided it is very hard for the SPCA to do anything about helping an animal in distress. Despite the opportunity to satisfy required hoof trimming, the owner of this donkey was not compliant. In July 2010 the donkey was removed from the property in order for proper care to be provided. The owner was subsequently charged with 2 counts under the Ontario Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (1. did cause an animal to be in distress and 2. fail to provide the care necessary for its general welfare) and was convicted as charged.
At the meeting we saw for the first time pictures of his living conditions and the condition his hooves were in.

I have never seen anything so horrific and it is a wonder that Chaplin didn't have any ill effects even now. He will always have bad feet and they need to be trimmed every six weeks, but it is a wonder that none of his bones had rotated or that his body didn't compensate for his deformation, how it was the case with our little Peaches and Maddie.

Chaplin is a favourite to many of us, mostly because he is such a snuggle bug and I am so glad that his life has turned around for the better with us. Hope he will live a long and happy life here at the DSC.


Autumn said...

I almost cried when I saw the pics. I can't imagine how someone would allow that to happen.

Sharon said...

How could anyone let that happen, that's truly horrible!

Sandra said...

It that isn't cruelty to animals I don't know what is. The minimum standards are a joke, they are the same here - those have to be changed in order to be able to help more animals. I am glad Chapling found his forever home with you all.