Monday, March 12, 2012

Can you believe it?

* 16 degrees Celsius on March 11? Wow could this Sunday have been any better? What an absolutely gorgeous day and I bet our tulips grew three inches in the last 24 hrs. It also always lifts my spirits to switch to Daylight Saving Time....awww the first signs of brighter days ahead.
* More construction at the DSC? Talking about brighter days ahead, the next big construction plan at the DSC is to renovate the over 100 year old barn that houses the barnyard gang. What was once called the 'Darkside', mainly because of the poor lighting and it was always poked fun of, was changed to simply 'Eastside', however most of us slip still into the dark side. Once renovation will be completed the lighting will be so much better and Adam said we will call it the 'Bright side', won't it be nice to say to people..."go look on the bright side".
*March break is upon us, and I don't have any kids home for March break? Woo hoo! All three kids had Reading week about two weeks ago and are back at their respected schools. :) Woo hoo! Wow we are at the end of the second semester and nobody came home early that's something to smile about. I think they finally got it!
*That I went from hating my job to absolutely loving my job?  Every part of it. It's amazing what it actually feels like to be at work and not be afraid that a supervisor might stop by, or is still here when you are here, or that the manager is coming down to the centre. It's amazing how a little training and a little responsibility can boost one's confidence, and makes you want to do better. That things are not perfect has nothing to do with the job itself, but is still all about my way of being right now. I am working on that and today is as good as any to start working on it. So we will see how that goes. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad everything has worked out for you at work, that must have been sooo stressful!