Monday, November 22, 2010

LOL- And all of a sudden there was a theme! LOL

I can write about this on here since my family in Germany doesn't follow my English blog, so no secrets will be given away. Usually we don't really exchange presents with the oversea side of the family, mainly because of the costs of postage, most of the time the postage is three times higher than the value of the presents mailed, so it really is kind of pointless and a shame, but I usually send something little for everybody anyway. Now my brother he is the hardest to know what to ever get him, my mom and nephew and SIL have been figured out for months, but I never know what to get him, so this year I thought since my presents  this year will either be homemade or  supporting one thing or another, I came up with the idea of giving him Canadian Olympic mittens, at $ 10 a pair, supporting the Canadian Olympic Athletes I thought it was a brilliant idea, they are light and easy to ship so there we go. But as I was out  today I found this really cool Canadian Olympic Scarf, and him being a guy I thought that was even better. So I got him the scarf and I bought three pairs of mittens for his family and all of a sudden there was a Canadian theme to my Christmas, as I made my mom a "Canada" flatfold, got Canadian bags for her and my SIL a while a go and my nephew is getting a  red DSC t-shirt and a stuffed donkey supporting the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, well I couldn't have thought this better up myself...oh wait...I did!!!! :) Oh and I found red and white Tic Tacs too, lol. And just in case you were wondering ....YES, I do have Donkey Christmas  wrapping paper!

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