I went to the DSC Wednesday morning at my usual time, since I wasn't quite sure where I was going to be that day, either boutique or welcome centre. Turned out to be my turn in the Welcome Centre, so I had about 1 1/2 hours to help out in the barn, which I did for a while until I was to assist in a tour of the barnyard by a group of seniors from a retirement home. Ok, I have worked with seniors before in my job at the Community Centre, and usually I love working with them, I love hearing their stories and just the grandparently feel I get when I am around them. Well these seniors, I don't know, I don't think it was their fault, but more of the retirement home staff's fault, as they were treating these people like little children with tons of do's and don'ts and yes most of them were in walkers and wheelchairs, which I don't really understand why you would bring them to such an uneven ground as a barnyard to begin with, on a sweltering hot day and not really allow them to be people. So most of them were grumpy and miserable, which I really don't blame them for, but I just hate to have to deal with it and be at the receiving end of their dismay. There was only a little bit of shade in the barn yard and that's were I had a group of them sitting on their walkers, well what fun is that, you don't even see the donkeys because most of them were in the barn to stay cool, and according to the staff and out of health and safety reasons they weren't allowed to get into the barn with their walkers and wheelchairs. So I ended up haltering Ms. Jenners and brought her up close and personal with the seniors, and they liked that. Carrie was with me giving a good donkey talk and involving them into the conversations about the animals and asking them questions, and one older grouchy gentleman was quite happy about sharing his life on the farm from many many years ago. The visit wrapped up just as it was time for me to start my day at the Welcome Centre. Within the first hour of being open we have had already close to 80 visitors and it turned out to be a very busy day on the farm. I can't remember how many times I had to give my Donkey Safety talk, but it seemed like non stop. We had a family with lots of kids come for a visit and every kid had a picture of a sponsored donkey in their hands, and it was funny, because up to that point the donkeys were all in the barn but started to come out and it happened that most of the adopted donkeys were right there at the fence so I could point them out too them and they were all delighted to see "their "donkeys.
We also had two special visitors, one was a woman working at the Donkey Sanctuary in Britain and the Manager of the Donkey Sanctuary in Cypress, they just gotten married and were on their honeymoon and made it part of their tour to visit the DSC. They were really nice people and emails and infos were exchanged and I got a list of places to stay close by in case I ever get to go and visit them over there. It was fun to have a conversation with them about what they found different here compared to back home, one was the fact that they had never seen a miniature donkey at their farms, well I guess most of their rescues are working donkeys and the little guys really wouldn't be much of a working donkey. So they were really smitten with the little guys and well who wouldn't be? I really would love to get to Paco's heart, because he is such a grouchy little donkey, but also a poor little soul who had endure enough in his young life, as he was born with facial deformatities that make it hard for him to eat, but he is definitely a feisty little guy, but as I said a little bit cranky at times. I spent some time after working just sitting on the bench with Poppy close by, as she was convinced I still had treats for her in my bag and she just had to check it out. And of course she was absolutely right as I had packed a donkey friendly lunch that I never ate, because I just didn't have time to eat.

We were watching all the other little guys like her mom Pansy and Sable eating grass along the lane and enjoying a stroll in the shady part of the lane at that time of the day.
I went over to Solo''s paddock and of course he assume the position right away, he does that all the time when you approach him, and usually I would be a little bit leery of a donkey turning his behind to you, but in his case you know what he wants and usually that's how it works for him to get what he wants.
Then it was time to say good bye and leave for the day. Poppy was just resting at the gate and I just couldn't resist stopping by to say good bye to her too. She is just so cute, so little and so cuddly.
Poppy is so precious...I could just donkey-nap her. I can't believe somewhere there is life with no miniature donkeys....but now that you say it, I have been to Europe several times and NEVER once have I seen a miniature donkey or horse, for that matter.
I have only seen miniature donkeys in zoos and petting zoos, but never in any other environments. But I think it's for that reason...they are not really working donkeys, how could they....poor little creatures.... they are just too sweet...but one can't get fooled by their size, they are small but mighty.lol I think Poppy would fit in the back of my jeep with the seats down and the roof off. lol...but then I would have to go back and get her mom and her friend too. Oh I wish I had a farm.
You had a very busy day, and I'm glad that you were so nice to the old folks, in spite of them being a little on the grumpy side because of their discomfort. Too bad the staff didn't take a little more time to figure out a better day to bring them out. In the fall, for instance.
Poppy is adorable. I love her bushy little forelock.
I really really want Poppy!!!!! She's so beautiful. xxx
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