Thursday, October 29, 2009

WOW I do have the best friends in the world..

What can I say? But I do believe I have the best friends in the world, not being able to attend the Wednesday Cross Stitch night last night, and missing out, not only on good company, but also on Trish's oh so yummy buiscuits, I was surprise with a visit at work today from a good friend bearing gifts, coffee, buiscuits and one whole jar of her oh so treasured black currant jam. Well if the buiscuits and coffee didn't make me feel special enough yet, the black currant jam sure did the trick, wow, can't believe she parted with one jar....I mean a whole jar....I know how much she guards her stash. Thank you so very very much, thanks for thinking about me, what a nice surprise, and thanks to the rest of the sisters for not eating them all, I know how fast they disappear on that night. What a nice break in my day. I am so lucky to have friends like that, and I sure hope they always know how much I appreciate and love them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm they were very yummy!!