Saturday, July 07, 2007

The infamous Backyard Bash

A couple of years ago a friend of mine threw a big Celebration in form of a casual get together of all here friends and family in her backyard, since then this has become an annual event, the drinks and the food are getting better by the year. It's amazing to have so many people from different areas in her life come together and just enjoy an afternoon and evening/late night together. I always have lots of fun and there is plenty of laughter, memories and stories to go around. Some are missed due to other obligations, some are new to the circle of friends, some are new as tag alongs, but it is always a fun crowd. Some people I won't see until same time next year, some I haven't seen since the last one. So it's always an event I look forward to. I hope I have the privilege of being in this circle of people for a long time to come. Here is to the Hostess with the Mostest.

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