Sunday, December 31, 2006

Party girl in the making ---yeah right

Well it's hard to believe but I went to another Party. Wow two in a month, that's huge for me.
I picked up my friend and her husband around 7:30 and half an hour later we made our entrace at the New Year's Eve Party at the Dundson Legion. We met up with one of her friends there and shared our table with two other couples and a friend of one the them. They are all really nice people and it was easy to chat with them, which was kind of nice for me. Entertainment was provided like always by J&J Entertainment and like always they are awesome. We exchanged a few words with one of the Js and then it was all play at work for them for the rest of the night.
I ran into a few people I knew and it was nice to see some of them. My friend and her hubby danced a few times while I enjoyed watching the things around me.
At around 11 they served a litte supper and then the countdown to 2007 started. As it got closer to midnight I felt a little bit sad and teary eyed for a moment, it's funny how so many things have changed about me and my life and some are just still the same and they aren't mine to change, but nevertheless at moments like this they seem to take a hold and take control. But thankfully not for too long.
We toasted with Champagne the arrival of the New Year at midnight and hugs, kisses and best wishes were exchanged with those close to you. After that the party really started.
I was back home and in bed at around 1:30am.
So here is to a New Year and all the things good or bad it shall bring my way.

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