Sunday, December 24, 2006

Present Christmas Eve

Well today is Christmas Eve and believe it or not I have nothing to do, everything is prepared and ready to go tomorrow for Christmas Day. The house is clean, anything that I was able to make ahead is made and all I have to do is enjoy this day. Well in younger days this was my favourite day of the year ( see previous entry).
This morning I stopped by at work to deliver some Christmas Cheer for my PIC. After that I just went to one of the store I totally forgot about going in, I went there, browsed and left. Didn't need anything, didn't want anything, it was great. Went back home, and just enjoyed the peace and quiet of the day. It was only me and my daughter at home and she was playing quietly in her room. So I enjoyed listening to Christmas music and just daydreamt of the past days and days ahead. At five my son picked up his girlfriend to spend Christmas Eve with us, the other son was still at work until 7 and when he got home, we had our traditional dinner and spend some nice time just sitting around and talking. Son and girldriend exchanged presents and then we had to open our presents from them, and his girlfriend hers from us. At around nine I dropped by a dear friend to deliver my presents to her and her family. Christmas has been really rough for them this year and I am always trying to make it a little brighter, well not just Christmas any time will do. I spend a nice time over there and shortly after returning home I went to bed in anticipation of the big day. Yeah right, somehow it's just not the same the way it is.

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