Friday, October 20, 2006

A long overdue visit

Yesterday I received a phonecall from one of my dear friends, whom I haven't really talked to in a while. First I wasn't gonna answer the phone, because it showed up as "Private Caller" and most of the times these are people that want to sell you something or rope you into something else. But I answered it and to my surprise it was my friend. We talked for a short little while until motherly duty called me away and after I finished my motherly duty and I was out and about anyway I decided to stop by at her house for a short visit. It was so nice to just sit and chat about pretty much everything. I just wish I wouldn't have such a hard time remembering what it was lol, no seriously I wish I wasn't such a reclusive and do that more often, because I do miss our times together and the tears and laughter we shared at times.

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