Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mother and Daughter relations in my family

Sometimes it's a little bit scary to me to see the resemblance of issues between mothers and daughters in my family and how they been passed down through the generations, I am sure without intension, but nevertheless they show up in different places in different times. Kind of weird that my mother later in life would tell me about her teenage years, but not actually ever took an interest in my teenage years, she tells me how she felt about her mother's feelings for her and that are exactly how I see my moms feelings for me. But that is one thing I am working hard not to have my daughter feel when she is older, and I think I am doing pretty good at that department, but who knows how my daughter sees and experiences it. I am sure my mom and my grandmother did the best the could with knowing what they knew then.
Now my maternal grandmother, I must say, has had an awful life and it still makes me sad for her to never have had a moment of peace in her adult life. And to have had such simple hopes, that would have been achievable. But she never did and even though she passed away a few years ago, it makes me still sad for her. I never knew her story until I was much much older, probably in my early twenties and I can really say her life sucked. To me in the eyes of a granddaughter she was an amazing woman and one I always felt loved by, maybe that had to do that I was the first born grandchild and somehow I knew I was her favourite, even though she would never say it out loud. She was strict, but not irrationally strict like you saw your parents. And I always stayed her "Liebi" even in my thirties.

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