Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Day 16: The Myth of Balance

Balance( according to me): the art of keeping everything at even keel, to find equal time for all the important things in my life. Not letting one thing take over all the other things.

If I had balance in my life, how would it look?
Well I would get things done that needs to be done. I wouldn't be so desparate to do the things I want to do, because I know that everything is taking care of equally. I would be more relaxed about timing and could use time more wisely.

When I look at my life it is evident what my commitments are. If balance had been valued, my commitments would be the means to accomplish my goals of balance.

Do I live by my commitments now?

Am I happy with my commitments?
Most of the time

What is the difference between a life driven by balance versus commitments?
Commitments get things done, balance would be having fullfilled those commitments without regrets or resentment. WIth just commitments there seem to be no real fun in life.

If I could have balance in one area of my life, what would it be?

Looking at how I spend my time gives me the reality check I need to change it. Keeping a log of all I do is useful to see where things are out of balance. Being willing to be honest about my use of time supports me in reevaluating what matters most.

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