Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Getting it done

Geez, I am only one day back to work and already I have missed a day of blogging, not that anything exciting has happened that needed to be dotted down, other than I have had enough of living in a construction site, so I have taken matters in my own hand and hired a contractor to finish some of the jobs that have been making our house looking like being in a constant state of renovation. With the extra hours worked in November and December, one creditcard completely paid off, I thought I will dedicate my hard earned money to doing something for me, and this is for me, but benefits the whole family. I hate having people come to my house, because the front entrance has been in a state of renovation probably for three or more years. See AH loves to renovate, well I should say rip out everything old that he doesn't like but then he doesn't have the time and the fun putting it back together again. I am not high maintenance, I don't need an all new kitchen or all new bathroom, I just want it all to look finished, not like we just moved in here and haven't gotten around to do anything to this place. So we will see how much I get done before my budget is used up.


Sharon said...

My husband is one of 'those'. I finally had to put my foot down. I do want a bathtub, the rest is fine with me... So nothing is happening at all, he wants a whole re-do and he takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Inger said...

My husband, who had a construction company, is now retired, very retired. There are things that need to get done around here, oh, well.....