....omg I have counted the days for this all to be over for weeks now, there is finally an end in sight, not that there won't be other things to keep me busy, but I think life will be a little bit more manageable, and no I am not complaining about anything at all, I am so proud and happy that I mastered all this so beautifully and yes I am padding my own back here for once, considering I am an introverted "9" I have managed this so much better than I thought I ever could and what would have taken weeks to recuperate from has just developed in a way of life right now. It's been a crazy few months, especially the last two, but I had also a great time doing it all, but I am glad when I can breath a little again. Lots of things have been going on, I had some awesome times with some great people and met even more amazing and inspiring individuals, that have kind of given me a sense of direction towards the things I really want to do in my life. So I am in the midst of changing my life list, change priorities, and make plans on how to accomplish this all. Woo hoo....me having goals, now there is a new concept, not that I haven't had goals before, but these seem to be different. I will elaborate about these amazing people in later entries, as it is all just mumble jumble in my head right now.
As much fun as I am having in the A-Z Challenge, where I have found some great blogs to follow, I am glad to get back to my regular things as I have so much to still dot down and I can't wait to get it out of my head and on paper, so to speak. :)
Here is to enjoying your sunny Sunday, no matter what you do....I know this guy is.......
.....or maybe he is just waiting for his breakfast.....
The squirrels in our backyard are PARK SQUIRRELS, so they eat about anything. |
Those darn squirrels are just so mega-cute.
Tina, Amen to all of it...the A to Z Challenge has been a great time and I too have met some wonderfully outstanding people and I look forward to getting back into a quiet calm routine, not one of rush, rush, rush....
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