Monday, March 05, 2012

Wind, Dinner and a good time all around.

In the night from Friday to Saturday we had a wicked rain and wind storm, we found all our patio furniture all over the back yard Saturday morning and the lawn was just covered in puddles, the ground was so saturated that it had nowhere to go anymore. It was a little bit scary to watch our huge trees sway in the wind as it continued throughout the day on Saturday and the decision was made that at least the big tree closest to the house has to come down. It has been a thorn in our side for the longest time and one that is always carefully watched when we have storms, because it is so close to the house, it is so huge and if it comes down it will do some damage. During the latest windstorm you could actually see the tree swaying in the bottom three feet and the movement pumping water out of the ground, so it is time for it to go before something will happen.
I had originally planned to go to the DSC in the later morning part and then go from there to have dinner with Cheryl, but because of the bad weather I decided to not go out to the farm and stay put until the wind died down. I was mostly afraid of the roads being blocked of with downed trees and debris, I just had visions of the drive home last summer when we had suspected tornadoes in the area and it was dark and trees just feel down left, right and centre in front of you and it took me forever to maneuver my way home from the farm. Later in the day the wind had died down and we decided to still meet for dinner. I stuck to the main highway on my drive to Cambridge, because I thought it would be safer and clear, but that wasn't the case, before I hit the main stretch I was all of a sudden confronted with
and had to take a long detour around this area on the back country roads, thank God I am so familiar with those back roads that it wasn't a problem for me to find my way. I met up with Cheryl at Mango Chutney, one of our favourite Indian Restaurants, mmm the aroma as soon as you walked in, was just amazing and we couldn't wait to order dinner. Due to other obligations and not being out at the farm as often as I would like to, or for other things, that don't really involve Cheryl, we haven't had much time to chit chat and catch up on things, so it was definitely great to spend some time with each other. Thankfully our host knows us quite well, and we didn't get kicked out of the restaurant even though we sat there for over four hours. lol. Lots of things going on in both of our lives, some good some not so good, and it is most appreciated to have people in each others lives that support one another, even though we are at opposite sides on a lot of things. Nice to have no judgement either way, because things she can't make work for her right now, I am still trying to make work for me, but we respect each others position and not try to sway each other one way or another, and I think that's the greatest part in our friendship. So it was a most enjoyable evening. When I was finally on my way home the highway was still closed and I found out later while watching the news, that there was a chain reaction in fallen hydro poles and they had to be removed and rewired. 
Sunday was spent mostly being diplomatic and getting a lot of work done and the to do list actually now is only about a mile long instead of the mile and a half. Feels good to have something accomplished. 

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