Friday, October 07, 2011


Well it was an absolute gorgeous day today, the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky and warm temperatures, the weather couldn't have been any better for a nice drive through the country side to enjoy the fall colours. I had one destination in mind as I had to pick up some paper work from there, so I called one of my friends to ask if she would like to come along for the ride. I have wanted for so long to share that little corner of my world with her, but it never worked out that way, so I was delighted when she said she would come along. The drive was nice and we talked about this and that and soon we arrived at the gates to the DSC. The long driveway ends at the little parking lot where most of the donkeys right now are gathering around the feeders, to get some food and to soak up some sun. After I got my papers, we stood a while at the fence and she met big boy Cocoa, Juliet, Apollo and a handful of others who couldn't resist getting an ear or butt scratch. We took a little walk around the barnyard where she met Juno, Tibet and of course our cute Minis. It was so nice to show her around and to spend some outside time with her. After we got home, I pretty much went straight to work, packaged up 20 mail orders and got half of them sent out already,with the rest of them ready to got tomorrow. Wow and it's not even close to Christmas yet. Oh and I had fun going "stash" shopping thanks to my win at Cathey's blogger giveaway. Woo hoo $ 100 worth of stash, the choice was hard to a degree, because there were so many nice things on that site, but on the other hand it was nice to buy without thinking can I afford that or should I get it....well I just got it. :) What a nice feeling!


jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

I feel like we are still there. and the dogs are still having their fun too. Thank you for sharing your day and space with me. I think I finally get it.
As always

Denise said...

And she still smells of the DSC. lolol Good Job getting her out there to share your passion!

Tina said...

I don't smell a thing!

Joan said...

What a splended day! Glad Cocoa was there to meet and greet and get a little extra attention... thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Sounds like a wonderful time - sharing your passion with a friend!

Ooh, the shopping had to be a blast, I just know it, what fun!