Friday, May 27, 2011

Ready set go!

Well I am almost ready to go up to beautiful Brentwood on the Beach,  but not before heading to an important day at the DSC, learning a few new things and getting into the swing of it.  My contract for part time employment has been signed and I just need to get through the three month probation time. Woo hoo! I am really excited about this opportunity and very nervous at the same time. I know I will have to deal with all kind  of different people, usually that is not a problem but I am sure I will have some people's knickers tied up in knots about it but they will just have to deal with it the same way I have to deal with it. But on the other hand the few that know about it already are totally excited for me and it helps to know that I have their support and approval. He he so far it is still a secret lol, even though I have been instated at the beginning of the month. I got two big projects on my plate already and a side project on the go that will be outside my normal duties, but it will definitely help donkeys just in a different way. Hope we can pull it off too, it would be a big accomplishment and very satisfying.
So I will finish packing my things, take Pookie to school, spend the day at the DSC and leave from there to go across to Lake Huron. I can't wait for the view. Hopefully it will be somewhat nice weatherwise, I packed lots of stitching but if it is anything like last year, I won't do more than a hundred stitches lol, but nevertheless it will be a great time and just in the nick of time I found my stitching pieces that I was hunting high and low for over the last six weeks... woo hoo....couldn't be off to a better start.....Well hope everybody has a nice weekend, I know I will :)
Brentwood here I come....


Jules said...

Have fun in Brentwood and Woo Hoo on the new gig!!!

Sharon said...

I hope by now you are enjoying Brentwood and not doing much stitching :-)