Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday Ramblings!

Zumba and Wedstitchnight at the D.S.E.P.C.C. were a lot of fun last night, I even got some stitching done and lightened my stash of magazines and patterns. Woo what was the site with all the nice patterns to order? I'll be good for now and not spend a dime via online ordering.

I see a little problem here....I am doing actually really well and surprised myself how many of the donkeys at the DSC I actually do recognize and know by name, well that was until this morning when I went thru all my pictures I took over the years at each trip to the Farm, which was always from Spring to early Fall, omg how different they all look with their winter fur on, and I look at the pictures and with some I have absolutely no clue who they are. Yikes!

ARRRGGGHHHHH! The lack of organisation and my lack of memory is driving me bananas today, I was going to work on Hershey today, but can't find two of the main colours I need, I know I have them, because I used them before....but where I have them is another question....I got all my other threads together except these two are missing...go figure.....ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!

Looking forward to seeing my favourite comdian tonight at Hamilton Place...woo hoo....Jeremy Hotz....I just love this guy, makes me laugh just thinking about him.


jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

have a good laugh tonight.

Kerry said...

We did have a good night last night didn't we? So much laughter and stitching too.
Sorry you can't find your threads..... you lose things too? I have been cleaning today but now I am going back to stitching. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

cool thanks. you need my filing system?

Tina said...

very funny Tammy lol....