Saturday, September 27, 2008


In the last while I have been rechecking my life list and was able to check a few more of them off as done or been there. It is amazing how big of a "high" you can achieve by accomplishing something of one's life list. The euphoria is just incredible and you feel like floating on a cloud and you think for a while that you can conquer all. Too bad that this feeling doesn't last longer than it does and one needs to push forward to conquer new and old fears and try to accomplish more things. I wish I could ride on this "high"wave a little bit longer, I am so proud of myself and excited and it's just been great. It will be a symbol of me being me, my own person, as well as a constant reminder of those close to my heart, that can't no longer be with me, and as time goes by more will be added that I am sure of. After all I am not a wuss anymore lol....
Well I hope to get the chance to scratch off a few more things as accomplished as the year draws to an end, I know of one big one that will fall into place in a couple of months, one I can't really phantom that it will actually happen, one I thought was the hardest to accomplish on my life list, and now it will be a reality and I will be a total wreck, but as always, it will be worth it in the end. I am not gonna say a word about this one, till it's over and done and I can post a picture of it on my blog, because until then I won't be able to believe it myself. And of course there will be new dreams and wishes added on to the list and as always some might come true and are achievable while others will just remain dreams and wishes....C'est la vie!

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