Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stitching and

Well I chose this title only because it rhymed, no other reason. Yesterday was a great day of doing Fuck all. That is if you see doing fuck all as the best thing to do and seeing it as something that makes you happier and more relaxed than anything else. Well doing fuck all included having coffee instead of wine before lunch, doing some stitching and bitching( or did we bitch? Or was it just debating and voicing opinions?), the stitching was shortly interrupted by making a trip to the liquor store to replenish the wine stock, and then going back to some stitching and watching a friend slave in the backyard while taking it easy. Seems like my little flower box just isn't growing as fast as I want it to, while others are getting lost in the woods again, even though this time there is a clear path to follow. Well after making my way home and having some dinner, I took my foot sick friend and her cane out for a short trip to the coffee shop and brought her back home, afterwards played some on the computer, read emails, wrote emails, trying to solve the problems of the world again and just trying to stay really positive and supportive for one of my dear friends, and boy is it hard, and what a helpless feeling.
I had a great day,and I do get a lot done when I do fuck all, well not as much as the never tiresome is to the next one, which surely will be just around the corner or as soon as the sun peeks out behind those huge dark clouds of today.

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