Saturday, April 15, 2006

It got me...

Well why would I think I was so special and was getting away with not getting sick all winter, well maybe because it's spring now, and I made it through winter just fine. Think again.... it finally caught up with me and the last few days I spend in bed sick as a dog. It started Thursday with a sore throat, which kept getting worse as the day went on and by Friday, it was unbearable, and then the chills set in, the nose started to run like a waterfall and finally with the runny nose comes the annoying cough. So Friday I went to bed early, stayed in bed all Saturday. Just hoping to feel better. I haven't been bed sick in a long time, I just hate it, but what I hate more are the feelings that come up when I am laying sick in bed, one would think that after 12 years that deal would be emotionally done and over with, especially if I come out alive each time, so why is panic and fear taking over, after all this is just a bad cold. I seen the sunny sky through my bedroom window, just like 12 years ago, and just everything reminds me of that time. Hey I just have a friggin' cold.
So where did I get it from? Maybe the strange man I kissed the day before? LOL. Maybe the snotnose kids we had on Tuesday morning? Maybe from talking to our favourite customer? He had a cold for weeks now and doesn't seem to get rid of it.. Who knows... it's all the good germs floating in the air. Just hope I don't and didn't make anybody else sick.

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