One thing I have to say about the volunteers and staff at the DSC, we are all very supportive of each other, I can not count the endless emails and facebook messages I have received and exchanged between my volunteer friends and staff friends, in support of each other and making sure everybody was coping alright. It's been amazing, and one thing that made everything a little more bearable. It is also been apparent how important it is that these donkeys return to their "heaven on earth" place after death, as donations from volunteers and staff will ensure that the ashes of these donkeys will be returned and scattered on the property, this comes out of our pockets, not out of the DSC funds, but it just shows you how much it means to us. A memorial stone for Paco and Chiclet will also be engraved and placed on Memorial Hill. Everybody has been just incredibly saddened and touched, especially by Paco and Chiclet. And we all find comfort in knowing that they will be together again and run and play on the other side, pain free and with joy. On Sunday we will have a memorial for all the donkey friends we have lost in the last little while out in the fields where the donkeys play, I am really looking forward to it, I know it will be hard but it will also be a place and time of comfort and love and a good start to healing by celebrating their lives and then moving forward and concentrate on the ones that are left behind.
Well ok, this wasn't exactly the entry I had planned for today, I was going to write about my visit on Wednesday, I guess I had to get more of this off my chest than I realized. So another entry to follow soon I hope.
Losing the friends you love, be they animal or human, can really through a person some curve balls. I think the memorial will be very helpful for everyone.
Pat on the back for Chris, for doing everything worldly for the dear donkeys.
My thoughts are with you and the other people at the rescue. I know that the memorial will be good for you. -Inger
I really love that picture. And the way you so kindly and lovingly write about Chris, I have *no* doubt that others feel your contribution to the DSC is just as great.
Oh, the pain of losing those special donkeys. Frankly, I don't know if I'd be able to handle it on a regular basis like you do.
I'm so glad the DSC exists and that you are a part of it.
Sweet, sweet donkeys...
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