Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stitch and Rip!

Well last night was our first official stitching nite of 2011 down at the centre and well as for the stitching it was frustrating as hell. I was sauntering quite nicely along with my stitching of "A baby, a manger" when I got to the end of the part of the section, I was at least 3 stitches to far over. Arrrrghhh! So what I spent an hour stitching I spent the next two hours ripping. Why is it that the easiest patterns always give me so much trouble? I mean, it's all one coulour, it's very straight forward, so how hard could it be? I guess it would be of a big help if one could count right, but how comes you count right and still start at the wrong spot? Well at least it was one of those mistakes that was easily spotted, I hate when it takes hours to even find out where you messed up. Well I sure could have used the Zumba class after Stitching to exercise some frustration off. But Zumba before stitching was fine too, any Zumba is fine for that matter. Even though Gerri put a few slower songs in it, it was a hell of a class, and boy sure took the wind out of me. But I guess it's true no pain no this case loss. :) I also had full intentions of attending a second class this week, but that was quickly dashed as it is cancelled for this Friday. So we will see, as long as my feet hold up their end of the bargain I should be good to go, or so I think and have the intentions, but  you know how my follow through is at time.


Louise said...

Phew, that looks like you'd be getting a really good workout. Good for you for going for it!.

Stitching isn't something I can do, as it would hurt my hands. I sure like the finished product, however.

Sharon said...

Beautiful, clear blue sky and I have junk for reception on my satellite net, everything is so slow or not working at all. ARGH. I will have to take your word for it on the zumba!

I hate taking stitches out of anything, after putting so much time, putting them in!I'm sure it was frustrating!

Denise said...

Damn frogs! Hope they leave soon!

Congrats on the exercise!