The other day I found a picture collage frame in the basement with all kinds of out dated pictures in it, pictures of the boys and their ex girlfriends, pictures of the kids from five years ago and just pictures to fill the frame, for more than one reason that frame ended up in the basement while doing redecorating around the house and never made it back up on the wall. I always loved the frame and suffering from mild cases of OCD regarding certain things, I never liked the combination of pictures in it, somehow everything with me has to have a theme and stay the same. I don't really like mix and match and everything needs to fit together somehow. So the other day, during one of my procrastination moments, I took all the old pictures out and replaced them with pictures of things I love. Not being selfish here, well maybe I am, but after years and years of not knowing who I really am, or what I liked, it is important to me to remember ME and what makes me smile and makes me happy! So I took the "big smile" picture of me and put it in the middle of the frame and filled the frames around me with pictures that make me smile like that. And maybe, and just maybe, after 22 years for once when you enter my house you can tell what kind of a person lives here and you can tell what I like. Can't believe it took me that long, but I guess better late than never.
Hey, I think it's cute! You know, I have made a whole lot of pictures of myself lately - hardly anyone takes a picture of me, I am always shooting pics of them, but seems Christmas with the family (by someone else that gives me a print) is about it, unless I have to say it. Now, that makes me feel bad. I feel like they don't want to remember me - pathetic, I know, but I am part of the family!
I think the donkeys are charming, just as cool as if you had favorite dogs, or horses or ???
So true Sharon....well I usually don't like getting my picture taken, but I am seldom in any anyway, it's like you said...they don't want to remember me or forget that I exist....doesn't sound like much fun does it? You have taken some great shots of yourself lately, in every light, I loved them all. You do take good pictures.
Now that is a really cute collage of you and your donkeys! They are all so adorable!! Thanks for sharing.
Bloody brilliant! I love it. xxx
good job I think its wonderful!!
well if you put it in the front foyer it would look like the family you love, hey, that would work, and if there were only one more pair of shoes, each donkey should have a
You are just too funny Jayne lmao.....
Love It!!!
Glad to know I'm not the only one that never gets her picture taken!
I love your new collection of photos. Sooooo cute! Hope to see you soon. I may not make it this week on Thursday. Benjamin has invited me to his Scout dinner for Christmas.
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