Friday, December 17, 2010


It has been really cold the last few days, even though the weather was nice with sunshine and the occasional light flurries, the temperatures have been a different story especially with the wind chill. I went up to the farm on Tuesday on a sunny bright clear day, but you could almost see the cold in the air. Thank God most of my time there was spent in the office working on my little project. The office was in a little bit of a uproar as C. was so upset as somebody had messed with the computer system and she couldn't access anything, she was almost in tears, such a wasted time, and so much to do. I got a few of my things accomplished and then headed down to the barn to record them and to see if I could get the missing picture done, but omg, having your fingers out of the glove for seconds to take the pictures, I couldn't feel a thing, not even the button to push down to take the there went that plan and it was way to cold to go out looking for the missing donkeys that I still needed to take pictures off, I think I got one donkey that I really needed, but as for the rest these were just for fun.

Reno, Miss Jenny and Ginger, the mules

Sweet Molly Mule
Jimmy, the boss mule
Werther, named after the candy due to his colouring.
Not sure what those two were looking at.
And then I went passed the Rowdy Gelding Paddock, and I was lucky enough to catch their attention for a second, because really all they just want to do is play and run. Here are three of the rowdy big boys.
Cocoa, who only had a second to spare for me, and then was off chasing after Panne again.
Nugget, one of our newest donkeys.
And our Romeo Donny, 
who was able to tear himself away from the far end fence
 that separates him from the Donkey girls.

He is the main reason though for the creation of the Big Gelding paddock. The thought behind is that the big boys won't put up with his constant mounting other donkeys, and fighting with the other boys, so far he really gets along great with the big boys and there has been no fighting or misbehaviour on anybody's part. It is actually I think a good change, because the big boys do get along fine, don't have to compete with all the other donkeys for food and attention and have been seen quite often involved in donkey games, which is nice to watch. They have been running and playing just like wild little young donkeys. As of right now there are 8 geldings in this paddock, only four really big ones, like Cocoa and Panne, Indy and Apollo. Going in there is a little bit intimidating,  because of their size, but they are all softies, well except Donny and I don't know too much about Nugget yet.
But oh what sweet faces they all do have. 


Sharon said...

I think this cold weather makes them frisky, maybe to keep the blood moving and warm up, I don't know.

Well just 3 months and about a week and we can be looking for Spring... Sigh....

Tracey said...

Beautiful snowy donkey pics! I could just snuggle them

Joan said...

Your fingers must be frost bitten! Great pics and what fun that the big guys are playing so much, maybe some changes aren't so bad... that Romeo does have a certain look in his eyes!