Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Venting- What I hate about my job!

Even though in this time of age right now one is lucky to have a job, there are things about my job that drive me absolutely crazy and they are really starting to get to me....for instance the constant uncertainty when and for how many hours I will work, the unexpected work hours, that come in at the last minute or cancellations that were not foreseen or just people plain and simple not showing up for the booked time slot. This kind of stuff gets me more agitated when it starts to affect what I do, when I do it and how I do it,e.g. some of us were signing up for a craft workshop to create felt donkeys, I was all ready to go, it was for a Saturday afternoon, I was done work by noon, could have driven up there and be there by one. But no....a booking came in...regular everyday booking for the next few month, every Saturday every time the same time slot, so I cancelled my spot out for the workshop, because I really couldn't afford to loose any more hours, and dealt with the fact that I would miss out on a fun adventure. They got enough people signed up so the workshop was a go....and what happened...the fr**** rental cancelled for that particular Saturday....oh was I mad. But this happens all the time and that's one of my biggest complaints about my job. Another thing that drives me absolutely bananas is the lack of communication from higher up with us little people, we just suppose to know everything and have it figured out without ever hearing about it or getting informed about it, e.g. yesterday just by fluke I called one of my  temporary supervisors for something and found out she wasn't in either, hmmm great I knew what to do next and who to turn too, but if I would have not called that morning at that time, all hell would have broken loose when all my coworkers would have found out that they weren't  getting paid this week, because the hours weren't ending up where they were suppose to luckily I caught this on time and by accident and it didn't happen, but it could have very easily. Those are things that drive me absolutely nuts, as does making decisions I have no business making, but have to make because nobody else is there to make them at that given point in time.  Oh I can't wait for the boss to retire and then we will see what kind of crap we have to deal with.


Sharon said...

Sometimes venting is good, helps keep you from blowing up!

Tina said...

Yeah I am about to blow up lol...and that is so not me and it takes a lot and a long time for me to get to this point...

sunset pines farm said...

I can see why you are frustrated. I wonder what would the higher-ups do without the dedication of the "little people".

Denise said...

You and I are in the same boat! Thing is this boat is getting full. Management would rather we make a bad call than them. And why do some people get to be lazy and get away with it?

Only a few more days until the weekend - hang in there - Denise

AJ-OAKS said...

Now that was one fantastic vent!! Loved it! :)

Bobbie said...

Oh boy, can I relate to this one! I am so not-liking my job right now but I'm trying to get through it till March... cause I have a plan. Can't talk about it yet... Hope it all works out for you. Venting is good...