First one to be born ...Twin A Pierce Cameron at 4:06 am at 4 lbs 9 ozs.

nine minutes later and with big difficulties, Twin B Alexander Dorian at 4:15 at 5 lbs 14 1/2 ozs.
Not bad weights for being 1 1/2 months early. Breathing was a different story. Sadly I never ever got any of my three kids right after birth to hold or see, all of them were rushed away and medically looked after. Kind of made me mad and sad that everybody saw them before I had a chance to.
It is hard to believe that twenty-two years has gone by...time flies! It seems like only yesterday when these two shy little boys walked into the centre for the first day of pre-school. Happy Birthday Alex and Pierce from your first teacher. Best Wishes
Happy Birthday to your boys! Time flies and now they are men (well, if they are anything like mine, nearly so) :-)
Feeling better?
Mina-Thanks, I will tell them.
Sharon- men lol...more like 22 going on12....
not really feeling any better, but so much to do, if I am not better by Tuesday I will have to go to the doctor,this is ridiculous and if I have what I expect I have, I will quit my day job, because I am so tired of getting sneezed and coughed on by snotty nose children.
Didn't it all just go by in a heartbeat?! Sigh.
My oldest just turned 22 at the end of August. I always embarrass him by telling him no matter how big he gets, he'll always be my baby. :-)
Happy birthday to your boys!
Thanks Danni.
Beautiful babies. Wow! See you soon.
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