Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday Night

Well over the last few months I missed my monthly outing with my friend Betty and one of her good old friends, due to vacation, scheduling mistakes and a wedding, but I was happy to have been able to go the past Saturday. Oh what a night is was! Just kidding... I am harmless when it comes to fun, my fun consists of sitting there, watching everybody have fun and just enjoying myself and being totally content just being there on the side. It does help when some hot young man decides to dedicate a song to you, it doesn't help if he wonders if I would do certain things lol. Thanks J. but no way are you getting me up there. Hell no, that's just me, but thanks for Somehow being shy and reserved and being put on the spot just don't go together and most of my friends know not to put me in this kind of situation, but then there are still others who keep trying and think that that "shock therapy" would work on me. Think again. It ain't gonna work, I am not going to do anything that compromises who I am and how I feel. And I don't care who would watch and who isn't watching, I wouldn't even do it all by myself with nobody around, that's just not me... not that I didn't wish at times I could, but the step over this boundery of my limit would be just too huge to take and just to overwhelming to handle. Well at least for now... there is always hope that maybe just one day.... but until then I am happy and content to be in my little world with little old me the way I am. So J. just keep trying I might surprise you one day and myself too.... hey don't think I haven't thought about it....!

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