Monday, November 07, 2005

Emotional dictionary

Acceptance: to know all is well, even when you don't see or understand how it will turn out.
Accountability: considering all actions as creative energy for which you must answer to a Higher Authority.
Affirmation: a statement made and accepted as truth.
Anger: the emotional reaction to not having your way or not having people and events meet your expectations.
Awareness: an inner knowing of principles and how they work or manifest in the physical world

Belief: a mental and emotional acceptance of an idea as being the truth.
Betrayal: when expectations of people and events violate trust given, or when one who is trusted is actively dishonest.
Blame" giving someone else responsibility for your happiness or well being, looking outside of self for the answer or solution.

Change: a shift or movement in the flow of life. The outgrowth of the natural flow of events.
Character: the basic essence of the person. What you psychologically and emotionally rely upon, stand upon, look to, hold on to within yourself.
Compassion: the ability to see error without the need to condemn. An open and understanding heart with the ability to offer mercy, truth and love.
Confusion: mental, emotional, or spiritual darkness. Mental, emotional or spiritual conflict.
Courage: freedom of fear. The ability to be, stand, move in the presence of anxiety, danger, opposition. Stepping beyond the mental, emotional or physical state, the place where one is safe, comfortable or secure.

Denial: conscious failure or subconscious inability to see, know, or accept truth.
Depression: unexpressed anger turned inward, feeling burdened or overwhelmed, powerless in the face of situations, unable to have our way.
Desperation: a belief in physical, emotional or spiritual abandonment. Actions taken in denial of truth. Failure to surrender.
Detachment: a mental, emotional and spiritual construct which enables one to withdraw emotional investment in a course of events.
Disappointment: an emotional construct. Expectations based on false or uncommunicated desires which go unmet.
Doubt: the result of trust and truth being brought into question. Lack of focus and commitment that result in fear. The root of mental and spiritual weakness, leading to indecisiveness.

Empathy: the ability to stand in the circumstances of another and know the truth without judgment. To give to another what one desires for one's self.

Faith: spiritual assurance, inner knowing which draws on the power of the heart's desire.
Fear: false expectations appearing real,dread, alarm, painful emotion enhanced by the belief of separation.
Forgiveness: to give up the old for the new, the bad for the good. To allow change to take place, an appeal for healing of the consciousness.
Freedom: the ability to know and live the truth. A state of being without thought of confinement, restraint, limitation.

Gratitude: humility of the spirit, which gives praise for all. The willingness to receive.
Guilt: the belief that there is something profoundly wrong with an act we have committed. A toxic emotion which often leads to shame.

Healing: restoration of the mind, body or spirit.
Honesty: willingness to know, accept and promote the truth. The conscious participation in the activation of the truth whether or not it is spoken.
Humility: the ability to give and serve without expectations of reward.

Impatience: fear, the absence of faith.
Inspiration: motivation from within
Instinct: the voice of spirit within the consciousness.
Intent: the stated or unstated expectation, the cause of all results.
Inuition: the subconscious aspect of the individual mind which brings forth information required for spiritual evolution.

Judgement: a mental construct which involves evaluation by comparison or contrast. The active manifestation of the need to be right.

Knowledge: the scope of informatin gathered through exposure, experiences and perception.

Lack : the absence of truth.
Loneliness: a mental and emotional construct based on one's own belief in separation and imperfection. Ignorance of stillness, silence and solitude.
Love: the nature of reality, which creates harmony, clarity and brings about transformation and unity. An emotional attachment one has for or shares with another.It comes and goes, depending on one's mood or attitude.

Mistakes: a natural outgrowth of spiritual evolution. Confusion between knowledge and truth. An act of fear based on false perceptions.

Panic: the inevitable outgrowth of disorder and impatience.
Patience: inner calm in the midst of outer chaos.
Peace: absolute harmony on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Perseverance: to strive to find truth, which brings harmony and acceptance.
Personality: the physical and mental attributes developed in response to environment, experiences, conditioning and judgments about the same
Power: the ability to do.
Procrastination: the act of delaying what one is intuitively afraid to know or experience.

Respect: conscious regard or consideration for the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual presence in our world.
Responsibility: to be accountable for all the exists and occurs in our lives.

Self-Acceptance: self knowledge void of criticism and judgment.
Self-Doubt: second guessing intuitive knowledge. A reflection of low self worth and self esteem.
Self-Esteem: Healthy regard for and beliefs about the self and the ability of self.
Self-Love: acceptance of all that we are.
Self-Value: a high level of regard for self and the desires of the heart. The ability to make the well being of self a priority in all activities.
Self-Worth: the composite recognition of high self acceptance and selfesteem. Recognition of excellence within self.
Shame: the belief that there is something wrong with who you are.
Surrender: psychological and emotional release.

Trust: unquestioning belief and fearless expectation in the operation of divine law and order.
Truth: the foundation of spiritual principle.

Understanding: comprehension of truth and spiritual principle. Integration of intellectual and spiritual knowledge.

Wisdom: intuitive knowing and spiritual intuition.

( Faith in the Valley- Lessons for Women on the Journey to Peace: by Iyanla Vanzant)

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